
More to follow here but for now some ideas...


Just leaving this here....

Many IRONMAN events have produced creative costumes, displays and performances to spur-on their participants, many have become regular features and even iconic emblems of their respective courses which the athletes look forward to seeing in the flesh on race day.

Tenby has Grim Reaper Hill, when the agony of pushing on up that hill is really hurting this lot just bring an unavoidable smile to your face.

There are (costumed) nuns & monks further out on the bike route...they can't be real if the unholy words of encouragement they offer on HeartBreak Hill are to be considered.

Staffordshire has a very medieval theme - castles, knights, swords and shields in abundance.






A Welsh Dragon at IRONMAN Wales


Oompa Loompa Alley is an Aid Station Crew in Bolton and probably the most famous of them all...the Wrestlers from the top of the Bolton (IMUK) bike route. This gang drive hi-profile desk jobs and play a bit of golf together on a typical weekend but on IRONMAN Sunday in Bolton....

These ideas might just sow a seed or two for Cork and with Tour De France on the telly at the moment ther are tons fo other great ideas for ways to colour-up the routes and make our athletes, your guests, smile when they're in pain.

So East Cork...

Who's gonna do the best Leprechaun Lane, what costumes did you use on the local Paddy's Day Parade??

...Dig em out, grab a few sambos and cans, and let's have The Craic!